Drop NFT Not BOMB!
Background Story
The basic purpose of making #dropNFTnotBOMB NFTs is to convey and spread the message to all NFT investors, both creators and collectors. The messages was arise spontaneously because of the war that was sparked by the leader of the country.
The message first came out from @QEMBONES which then, thanks to the advice from our 5 year old avatar (v.5.8), so we can develop a story and processed it by involving two artists, @StickyFreakly from @TheROTYBROI who made the illustration, and @NovrizkyNorman who worked on the motion graphics. Then thanks to @SuwarKainde for his hard work, the 195 editions of #dropNFTnotBOMB NFTs was able to spread widely and finally be in your respective wallets and be seen by many people.
Latar Belakang
Tujuan mendasar pembuatan #dropNFTnotBOMB NFT adalah untuk menyampaikan dan menyebarkan pesan kepada seluruh investor NFT, baik kreator maupun kolektor. Pesan-pesan itu muncul secara spontan karena perang yang dipicu oleh pemimpin negara.
Pesan pertama keluar dari @QEMBONES yang kemudian berkat saran dari avatar kamu yang berusia 5 tahun (v.5.8), sehingga aku dapat mengembangkan cerita dan mengolahnya dengan melibatkan dua seniman, @StickyFreakly dari @TheROTYBROI yang membuat ilustrasi, dan @NovrizkyNorman yang bekerja pada grafik gerak. Kemudian terima kasih kepada @SuwarKainde atas kerja kerasnya, 195 edisi #dropNFTnotBOMB NFT dapat tersebar luas dan akhirnya berada di dompet kalian masing-masing dan dilihat oleh banyak orang.
Plan Objectives
Because we don't think our thank you is enough, for all of you here, those who have helped spread this message by collecting, holding, and even selling it to other people so that it reaches a wider people, we really, really want to appreciate it with this our plan.
We sure all the HOLDERS here agree with the #dropNFTnotBOMB message. Therefore we would like to invite all the HOLDERS to spread this message more broadly and targeted. We hope this message reaches the wallets of those who have more power and can reach wider people, namely the WHALES on the Tezos blockchain.
We also sure, that all the HOLDERS here and the WHALES out there are eager to be able to help those who need help, for example, victims of war. Whether it's just our sincere prayers, the crumbs of TEZ that we have, or in the form of a very huge amount of financial assistance, of course is in the form of TEZ.
Besides that, we see that many of the HOLDERS here are also creators who have extraordinary artworks. Therefore, we hope that the creators here can be known more widely with their works. We hope this plan will allow not only #dropNFTnotBOMB NFTs but also your amazing artworks with your own message to be known more broadly and targeted.
Tujuan Rencana
Karena kurasa ucapan terima kasih kami tidak cukup, untuk kalian semua disini yang telah membantu menyebarkan pesan ini dengan mengumpulkan, menyimpan, bahkan menjualnya kepada orang lain sehingga menjangkau orang yang lebih luas, kami sangat-sangat menginginkan untuk menghargainya dengan rencana kami ini.
Kami yakin semua HOLDERS di sini setuju dengan pesan #dropNFTnotBOMB. Oleh karena itu kami ingin mengajak semua HOLDERS untuk menyebarkan pesan ini lebih luas dan tepat sasaran. Kami harap pesan ini sampai ke dompet mereka yang memiliki kekuatan lebih dan dapat menjangkau orang yang lebih luas, yaitu WHALES di blockchain Tezos.
Kami juga yakin, bahwa semua HOLDERS di sini dan WHALES di luar sana bersemangat untuk dapat membantu mereka yang membutuhkan bantuan, misalnya, korban perang. Baik itu hanya doa tulus kita, remah-remah TEZ yang kita miliki, atau dalam bentuk bantuan dana yang sangat besar tentunya dalam bentuk TEZ.
Selain itu, kami melihat banyak HOLDERS di sini juga merupakan kreator yang memiliki karya seni yang luar biasa. Oleh karena itu, kami berharap para kreator di sini dapat dikenal lebih luas lagi dengan karya-karyanya. Kami harap rencana ini akan memungkinkan tidak hanya #dropNFTnotBOMB NFT tetapi juga karya seni kalian yang luar biasa dengan pesan kalian sendiri untuk diketahui lebih luas dan tepat sasaran.
So, What is The PLAN?!?!
The following are concrete things from this plan...
Donation Raising
Encouraging all the HOLDERS who have more than 1 edition to keep only one edition and sell other editions, either at a fixed price or auction with the aim of dedicating all or most of the sales proceeds for donations.For all the HOLDERS who want to sell, either at a fixed price or at an auction, are welcome to publish information about it, the HOLDERS wallet address that used to hold the #dropNFTnotBOMB NFTs, the fixed price or the auction price, the percentage that will be donated, where will be donated, and after made a donation, please share the donation transaction hash (operation hash).
For all the HOLDERS who have only 1 edition are welcome to participate by buying the edition that is currently on sale if you wish to donate and to give a rewards to the HOLDERS who raise the donation.
Collaborative Collection
Making the #dropNFTnotBOMB collection on OBJKT.com open to all the HOLDERS that also creators as collaborators in the collection, hereinafter referred to as the HOLDER CREATORS. Hopefully OBJKT.com does not limit the number of collaborators in one collection.Encouraging the HOLDER CREATORS to create one collaborative artworks to convey #dropNFTnotBOMB messages and to make talented creators with extraordinary works known more broadly and targeted, or at the same time to raise donations.
Jadi, Apa RENCANA itu?!?!
Berikut hal-hal konkrit dari rencana ini...
Penggalangan Donasi
Mendorong semua HOLDERS yang memiliki lebih dari 1 edisi untuk menyimpan hanya satu edisi dan menjual edisi lainnya, baik dengan harga tetap atau lelang dengan tujuan untuk mendedikasikan seluruh atau sebagian besar hasil penjualan untuk disumbangkan.Untuk semua HOLDERS yang ingin menjual, baik dengan harga tetap atau di lelang, dipersilakan untuk mempublikasikan informasi tentang itu, alamat dompet HOLDERS yang digunakan untuk menyimpan #dropNFTnotBOMB NFT, harga tetap atau harga lelang, persentase yang akan disumbangkan, kemana akan disumbangkan, dan setelah melakukan donasi, mohon bagikan hash transaksi donasi (operation hash).
Untuk semua HOLDERS yang hanya memiliki 1 edisi dipersilakan untuk berpartisipasi dengan membeli edisi yang sedang dijual jika ingin menyumbang dan memberikan hadiah kepada HOLDERS yang menggalang donasi.
Koleksi Kolaborasi
Menjadikan koleksi #dropNFTnotBOMB di OBJKT.com terbuka untuk semua HOLDERS yang kreator sebagai kolaborator dalam koleksi tersebut, selanjutnya disebut HOLDER CREATORS. Semoga OJBKT.com tidak membatasi jumlah kolaborator dalam satu koleksi.Mendorong para HOLDER CREATORS untuk membuat satu karya seni kolaboratif untuk menyampaikan pesan #dropNFTnotBOMB dan agar para kreator berbakat dengan karya luar biasa dikenal lebih luas dan tepat sasaran, atau sekaligus untuk menggalang donasi.
The Collaboration
Collaboration is defined as follows....
For HOLDER CREATORS who are willing to collaborate, each will be drawn to be paired with another HOLDER CREATORS to collaborate, hereinafter referred to as the "BLIND DATE" collaboration.
The collaborators of "BLIND DATE" will be allowed to invite other creators who are not HOLDERS to collaborate, which can then be referred to as the collaboration "BLIND DATE THREESOME", "BLIND DATE FOURSOME", and so on (free to name).
The collaborative artwork created by each of the collaborative "BLIND DATE" is an ARK based on the following story:
Captain ROTY BROI (ARK MESSENGERS), who took the initiative to make ROTY BROI's ARK to save humanity (ARK PASSENGERS) because of the impending disaster of #TheMeltingLand, was irritated by the leader of a country who created a disaster by triggering war. The annoyance was expressed by covering the ROTY BROI's ARK with sailcloth with the message #dropNFTnotBOMB to convey to everyone that living in peace is happier than having a war.
Captain ROTY BROI's expression managed to reach many people (another ARK MESSENGERS), who apparently did the same thing. They were randomly met and paired up in #TheMeltingLand disaster panic, so they could create their own ARK that also convey the #dropNFTnotBOMB message. They are...
- name of "BLIND DATE" partner #1 - name of ARK or name of collaboration work #1
- name of "BLIND DATE" partner #2 - name of ARK or name of collaboration work #2
- name of "BLIND DATE" partner #3 - name of ARK or name of collaboration work #3
- name of "BLIND DATE" partner #4 - name of ARK or name of collaboration work #4
- an so on...
The meeting of all the ARKs that filled with ARK PASSENGERS, initiated all the ARK MESSENGERS to create one ARK that could accommodate and protect all the ARK PASSENGERS, which is very big and strong to face #TheMeltingLand and to convey the #dropNFTnotBOMB message to the whole world. The name of the ARK is name of the final collaboration work, if it happen.
Kolaborasi ditentukan sebagai berikut...
Bagi HOLDER CREATORS yang berkenan untuk berkolaborasi, masing-masing akan diundi untuk dipasangan dengan seorang HOLDER CREATORS lain untuk berkolaborasi, yang selanjutnya akan disebut sebagai kolaborasi "BLIND DATE".
Pasangan kolaborasi "BLIND DATE" nantinya diperbolehkan untuk mengajak kreator lain yang bukan HOLDERS untuk berkolaborasi, yang selanjutnya bisa disebut sebagai kolaborasi "BLIND DATE THREESOME", "BLIND DATE FOURSOME", dan lain sebagainya (bebas untuk dinamakan).
Karya seni kolaborasi yang diwujudkan oleh masing-masing pasangan kolaborasi "BLIND DATE" adalah sebuah BAHTERA yang berdasarkan cerita berikut ini:
Kapten ROTY BROI (ARK MESSENGERS), yang berinisiatif membuat BAHTERA ROTY BROI untuk menyelamatkan manusia (ARK PASSENGERS) karena akan ada bencana #TheMeltingLand, dibuat jengkel oleh pemimpin negara yang membuat bencana dengan memicu perang. Kejengkelan itu diekspresikan dengan menyelimuti BAHTERA ROTY BROI dengan kain layar bertuliskan pesan #dropNFTnotBOMB untuk disampaikan kepada semua orang bahwa hidup damai dengan berkarya itu lebih membahagiakan dari pada harus berperang.
Ekspresi Kapten ROTY BROI itu berhasil sampai ke banyak orang (ARK MESSENGERS), yang ternyata juga melakukan hal yang sama. Mereka dipertemukan dan dipasangkan secara acak dalam kepanikan bencana #TheMeltingLand, sehingga mereka bisa membuat BAHTERA mereka sendiri yang juga menyampaikan pesan #dropNFTnotBOMB. Mereka adalah...
- nama pasangan "BLIND DATE" #1 - nama BAHTERA atau nama karya kolaborasi #1
- nama pasangan "BLIND DATE" #2 - nama BAHTERA atau nama karya kolaborasi #2
- nama pasangan "BLIND DATE" #3 - nama BAHTERA atau nama karya kolaborasi #3
- nama pasangan "BLIND DATE" #4 - nama BAHTERA atau nama karya kolaborasi #4
- dan seterusnya...
Bertemunya BAHTERA yang dipenuhi oleh ARK PASSENGERS tersebut, menginisiasi semua ARK MESSENGERS untuk membuat satu BAHTERA yang bisa menampung dan melindungi semua ARK PASSENGERS, yang sangat besar dan kuat untuk menghadapi #TheMeltingLand dan untuk menyampaikan pesan #dropNFTnotBOMB kepada seluruh dunia. Nama BAHTERA itu adalah nama karya kolaborasi terakhir, jika terjadi.
Minting The NFT
When minting an NFT in the collection, the HOLDER CREATORS can determine and share the percentage of its NFT royalties if the NFT was created in collaboration with other creators. Don't forget to write on the NFT's description the #dropNFTnotBOMB message, the HOLDERS CREATORS own message or story, all detail information about the collaboration, the collaborators, the percentage of the sales proceeds that will be donated, all or most of the sales proceeds, and where it will be donated.
When listing an NFT in the collection, the HOLDER CREATORS can determine and share the percentage of the sales proceeds, either all or most of it for the donation wallet, and part of the remainder for the HOLDER CREATORS and collaborators if it is a collaborative NFT.
For all the HOLDERS are welcome to participate by buying all those NFTs that is currently on sale if you wish to donate and to invest to the HOLDERS CREATORS and collaborators who create an extraordinary artwork to raise the donation, and help the talented creators with extraordinary artworks known more broadly and targeted.
Mencetak NFT-nya
Saat mencetak NFT dalam koleksi, HOLDER CREATORS dapat menentukan dan membagikan persentase royalti NFT-nya jika NFT yang dibuat bekerja sama dengan pembuat konten lain. Jangan lupa tulis di deskripsi NFT pesan #dropNFTnotBOMB, pesan atau cerita HOLDER CREATORS sendiri, semua informasi detail tentang kolaborasi, kolaborator, persentase hasil penjualan yang akan disumbangkan, semua atau sebagian besar penjualan hasil, dan di mana itu akan disumbangkan.
Saat mencantumkan NFT dalam koleksi, HOLDER CREATORS dapat menentukan dan membagikan persentase hasil penjualan, baik seluruhnya atau sebagian besar untuk dompet donasi, dan sebagian lagi untuk HOLDER CREATORS dan kolaborator jika merupakan NFT kolaboratif.
Untuk semua HOLDERS dipersilakan untuk berpartisipasi dengan membeli semua NFT yang sedang dijual jika ingin menyumbang dan berinvestasi kepada HOLDER CREATORS dan kolaborator yang membuat karya seni luar biasa untuk mengumpulkan donasi, dan membantu pencipta berbakat dengan karya seni yang luar biasa dikenal lebih luas dan tepat sasaran.
Sharing is Caring
Last but not least! Of course, all the HOLDERS are welcome to participate in those sales for donation by spreading it as wide as possible so that it can reach anyone out there who wish to donate their TEZ, agree with the #dropNFTnotBOMB message, love extraordinary artworks, want to know and invest to the creators, also want to help spread it.
When we discussing about this point, we think all the HOLDERS will be agree with this, so just one word to be said, "OiOiOi", anytime when you hear us yelling, "RotyBrOi!!!"
Coretan Catatan
- Hasil karya setiap pasangan akan listing di OBJKT.
- Penentuan harga, jumlah koleksi maupun royalti disepakati oleh masing-masing pasangan.
- Ketika karya sudah selesai diproduksi akan dibuat penjadwalan listing dengan tujuan agar tidak saling tumpuk.
- Teknis Penjadwalan:
- Briefing (Jumat/Sabtu).
- Penjadwalan mengundi (Sabtu/Minggu), kalo bisa live space.
- Penjadwalan meeting mingguan.
Technical Matter
The following are technical matters that can be used as tutorials when minting and listing...
Sell other editions of #dropNFTnotBOMB NFT that you have.
Fixed Price Listing
Open the #dropNFTnotBOMB NFT page on OBJKT.com with the HOLDERS account.
Here is the link.
On the right side, open the "Actions" tab.
On the "List" part, input the number of editions and the price.
Don't forget to hit the "LIST" button and sign with your wallet.
Publish and share what you have done.
Share information about it, the HOLDERS wallet address, the fixed price, the percentage that will be donated, and where will be donated.
Shill and chill as you like, and please encourage your families and friends to support you.
After sold, please made the donation manually as soon as possible and share the donation transaction hash (operation hash).
Don't forget to engage with the buyer, and express your gratitude to them. -
Auction Listing
Open the #dropNFTnotBOMB NFT page on OBJKT.com with the HOLDERS account.
Here is the link.
On the right side, open the "Actions" tab.
Scroll down till you see the "Start Auction" button.
Hit the "Start Auction" button.
Choose the auction type, "Highest Bid" or "Price Drop".
Set the price and set the expiration date.
Hit the "Create Auction" button and sign with your wallet.
Publish and share what you have done.
Share information about it, the HOLDERS wallet address, the auction price, the percentage that will be donated, and where will be donated.
Shill and chill as you like, and please encourage your families and friends to support you.
After the auction concluded, please made the donation manually as soon as possible and share the donation transaction hash (operation hash).
Don't forget to engage with the auction winner, and express your gratitude to them.
Inviting all the HOLDER CREATORS to #dropNFTnotBOMB collection.
After the HOLDER CREATORS asking to be invited in the collection, we will invited you silently.
Please always check your OBJKT.com account, and open your "Invitations" tab.
Here is the link.
If you got an invitation from us, please hit the "ACCEPT" button and sign it with your wallet.
Wait several minutes, you can drink your coffee or just drink water.
If you done, open the #dropNFTnotBOMB collection on OBJKT.com to make sure your account is included there as a collaborator.
Here is the link.
Find your name under the collection's description. -
Minting on OBJKT.com for #dropNFTnotBOMB collection.
Solo Artwork
Please open the minting page on OBJKT.com with the HOLDER CREATORS account.
Here is the link.
Upload the file as the NFT asset.
Write the title of the NFT.
Write the description of the NFT.
Choose the "Drop NFT Not BOMB" collection.
Choose the license for the NFT asset.
Determine the editions, number of copies that can be minted.
Set a percentage royalties fee between 0% and 25%.
Hit the mint button and sign it with your wallet.
Please wait several minutes, you can burn your cigar, or just do a little exercise. -
Collaborative Artwork
Please open the minting page on OBJKT.com with the HOLDER CREATORS account.
Here is the link.
Upload the file as the NFT asset.
Write the title of the NFT.
Write the description of the NFT.
Choose the "Drop NFT Not BOMB" collection.
Choose the license for the NFT asset.
Determine the editions, number of copies that can be minted.
In the royalty part, hit the plus (+) button to add another wallet address of the collaborators.
Make sure the total royalty of all collaborators are not more than 25%.
Hit the mint button and sign it with your wallet.
Now wait several minutes, please drink your coffee, or tea if you have.
Listing on OBJKT.com for #dropNFTnotBOMB NFTs
Solo Artwork Fixed Price
Open the NFT page on OBJKT.com with the HOLDER CREATORS account.
On the right side, open the "Actions" tab.
On the "List" part, hit the "Advanced Sale" button.
Input the number of editions and the price.
Determine how the sales proceeds should be distributed in.
The total must add up to 100%.
The HOLDER CREATORS wallet address automatically included there, adjust the percentage.
Hit the plus (+) button to add donation wallet address, and set the percentage.
Don't forget to hit the "List Token" button and sign with your wallet.
Publish and share what you have done.
Share information about it, the HOLDER CREATORS, the fixed price, the percentage that will be donated, and where will be donated.
Shill and chill as you like, and please encourage your families and friends to support you.
After sold, don't forget to engage with the buyer, and express your gratitude to them. -
Collaborative Artwork Fixed Price
Open the NFT page on OBJKT.com with the HOLDER CREATORS account.
On the right side, open the "Actions" tab.
On the "List" part, hit the "Advanced Sale" button.
Input the number of editions and the price.
Determine how the sales proceeds should be distributed in.
The total must add up to 100%.
The HOLDER CREATORS and the collaborators wallet address automatically included there, adjust the percentage.
Hit the plus (+) button to add donation wallet address, and set the percentage.
Don't forget to hit the "List Token" button and sign with your wallet.
Publish and share what you have done.
Share information about it, the HOLDER CREATORS, the fixed price, the percentage that will be donated, and where will be donated.
Shill and chill as you like, and please encourage your families and friends to support you.
After sold, don't forget to engage with the buyer, and express your gratitude to them. -
Solo Artwork Auction
Open the NFT page on OBJKT.com with the HOLDER CREATORS account.
On the right side, open the "Actions" tab.
Scroll down till you see the "Start Auction" button.
Hit the "Start Auction" button.
Choose the auction type, "Highest Bid" or "Price Drop".
Set the price and set the expiration date.
Hit the "Create Auction" button and sign with your wallet.
Publish and share what you have done.
Share information about it, the HOLDER CREATORS, the auction price, the percentage that will be donated, and where will be donated.
Shill and chill as you like, and please encourage your families and friends to support you.
After the auction concluded, please made the donation manually as soon as possible and share the donation transaction hash (operation hash).
Don't forget to engage with the auction winner, and express your gratitude to them. -
Collaborative Artwork Auction
...will be written after discussing all the points above.
Closing Statement
We know that reading this proposed plan is a struggle, but we believe that if we still read on this proposal to completion, it is a sign of the genius of our minds. We hope after reading this proposed plan that we have written gives a little joy to our brains.
Thank you, and let's get to work wealthy!!!
Terima kasih, dan mari berkarya raya!!!
Warm regards,
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